Key Points
  • ACCE members work to reduce recidivism rates and promote community-based alternatives to lengthy jail stays for non-violent offenders. ACCE members seek to maximize taxpayer dollars to protect the public while preventing overcriminalization and unnecessary jail stays.

Currently, nearly one in every 100 American adults is behind bars and once released from prison more than four in ten return within three years. This failing system costs federal, state and local governments approximately $85 billion, yet does not deliver adequate public safety results for taxpayers and victims. In addition to the enormous budgetary costs, our current criminal justice system places tremendous human costs on society.

By advancing solutions that refocus criminal justice resources on dangerous offenders and put the right programs in place to hold non-violent offenders accountable while providing them with the resources they need to become contributing members of society. Local governments play a vital role in implementing criminal justice reform starting with courts & sheriffs. With state and local officials working together, criminal


Criminal Justice

Members of the Criminal Justice Committee advance solutions that refocus criminal justice resources on dangerous offenders and put the right …